Traditionally, gaming company CRM "strategies" have followed customers individual player cycles, continuously reacting to player actions with particular forms of communication, e,g. they join you, you react with a welcome pack, they dont deposit anything for a while, you react with a reactiviation message and so on.
However, reacting to every individual player like this can be, let's say, chaotic!? There are times when you suddenly realise that you need to send a whole lot of welcome packs in one go or that there has been a dip with a segment of players and you urgently need to jump on the reactivation band wagon resulting in both the potential timing and relevance of communications being ineffective.
Wouldn't it be better to stay on top these matters in a more strategic way? Isn't it more favourable to be more proactive with your customer relations? Here at Media Hut we can help you do just this: become proactive, prepared and strategic when it comes to your CRM.
We have partnered with a leading agent in the gaming field to offer a service that both strategically plans your communications but also excecutes it too. So, rather than waiting on your clients to reach communicative touch points, we can help you implement your own that can be of a daily, weekly, or monthly frequency depending on the communication needed.
Here, we're flipping the coin around. So, rather than always being one step behind and fitting your communications in with each player, we will help you plan your communcations in advanced, always being that one step ahead and fitting your players into your communication.
This not only results in a more planned out and less panic driven approach to CRM, but it also helps you to hit those communcative touch points, such as welcomes, thank you's, rewards, reactivations etc at the right and relevant time. Plus, through using our advanced segmentation services, we can also guarentee your communications will be sent out to exactly the right type of players too.
Through implementing a stratigetically planned road of CRM communications rushed and last minute campaigns will be a thing of the past. Plus, with more relevant targeting and timing it is envisaged that customer loyalty and value will increase. Not only that, but you eliminate the risk of sending out communications to irrelevant targets saving on campaign cost.
Sound good? We think so! Get in touch with us today to find out more.
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